Daily Feed

April 27, 2020

Start of a new week. More money has been allocated for PPP loans and EIDL, so contact your local banker if you have not yet done so or received any such loan. Locally, a new job recovery fund is in the process of being created from a portion of the funds held by the BCTDA. …

April 27, 2020 Read More »

April 24, 2020

Nice, warm day for today. Spend the morning getting paperwork together for any funding you may be seeking. Then get outside this afternoon to clear your head, breathe some fresh air and absorb some vitamin D. Recent studies show the virus does not survive well in sunny and humid conditions. AVL Rocks – So yesterday …

April 24, 2020 Read More »

April 23, 2020

A little rain this morning to keep you indoors. Take the time to develop or revise your plan to reopen your business in the near future. Reports are now starting to come in of small businesses permanently closing. We are at a precipice and we need to reopen before more permanent damage is done. Permanent …

April 23, 2020 Read More »

April 22, 2020

Beautiful morning to determine how to get your business back up and running. Regardless of when NC and Buncombe reopen, the doors will not be thrown open so it would be worthwhile to think about your business operations with reduced foot traffic or occupancy standards. Finally, the Senate allocated more money for PPP loans, so …

April 22, 2020 Read More »

April 21, 2020

Good Morning all, lots of big news regionally, nationally and internationally. The wave of reopening is building and as we get closer to the April 29 end of the lockdown, we should expect an announcement from Gov. Cooper regarding what is to happen here in NC. Of course, the County is also able to impose …

April 21, 2020 Read More »

April 20, 2020

Rainy Monday morning, but that is to end and the sun is to come out for the afternoon. So, take the morning to prepare your business for the reopening of Buncombe County. It will happen (hopefully sooner rather than later)! PPP Data – So, as you know the PPP reached the limit for the amount …

April 20, 2020 Read More »

April 17, 2020

Friday and with every passing day we get closer to the reopening of society. Yesterday, guidelines were released by the Federal Government setting forth a general path for States, County and Local governments to follow. NC has set forth factors it will consider for reopening and here in Buncombe County we are ready. So, look …

April 17, 2020 Read More »

April 16, 2020

Chilly Spring morning, but the sun is out and the day will warm. As the lockdown continues, it appears that State, County and Local Officials appear to be inching towards opening up Society. PPP Update – It is difficult to determine exactly how many billions have been distributed, but here is an article providing a …

April 16, 2020 Read More »

April 15, 2020

Good Morning, it appears that there are many people that want NC to reopen with a about 100 protestors ReOpen NC protest happening yesterday in downtown Raleigh. Hopefully, their voices are heard by State, County and Local officials and prudent measures are undertaken to get schools and businesses open so that people can get back …

April 15, 2020 Read More »

April 14, 2020

The Long Easter weekend is over and the winds have blown through AVL bringing fresh air and hope. Generally, the virus numbers are plateauing and dropping all across the Nation and there is a lot of noise from all levels about opening up the Country for business. All good news, so take today to figure …

April 14, 2020 Read More »

April 13, 2020

Easter Monday with most domestic markets open and foreign markets closed. Hopefully, the wind storm of last night blew the ‘Rona right our of here. If you are looking for information about other business owner’s results and experiences regarding the PPP and SBA loan check out the Loan Data Tracker below. PPP and SBA Loan …

April 13, 2020 Read More »

April 10, 2020

Today is Good Friday of the Easter Weekend. Whether or not you recognize Easter and its religious significance is irrelevant to taking the opportunity with your immediate family and loved ones to reflect upon what matters most to you and yours. Local Medical Data – A press conference by Buncombe County officials was held yesterday …

April 10, 2020 Read More »

April 9, 2020

Another day and another opportunity to think about how to improve your business and to begin implementing the changes that you think are best. Positive Thought For The Day – “Never underestimate the power you have to take your life in a new direction.”― Germany Kent Employment Data – Last week, 137,573 people filed initial …

April 9, 2020 Read More »

April 8, 2020

It is another beautiful day in Asheville, so be sure to get outside and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. Buncombe County Presser – Today at 4:00pm, Buncombe County officials are holding a presser to discuss the County’s lockdown law, which is presently set to expire tomorrow at 6:00am. PPP Update – Stay Patient – …

April 8, 2020 Read More »

April 7, 2020

Good Morning All. Try to be positive today and help your business by reaching out to some of your top customers. Call them, talk to them and find out how they are doing. It will make them feel good as well as yourself. Extension of Restrictions – Buncombe County announced that it will extend the …

April 7, 2020 Read More »

April 6, 2020

Beautiful start to Week 4 of House Arrest. We do not know when House Arrest ends, but we do know that you can still obtain funding by applying to your bank for a loan pursuant to the Paycheck Protection Program and to the SBA for an Economic Injury Disaster Loan. Calculating The Amount That Can …

April 6, 2020 Read More »

April 3, 2020

Good Morning! It is going to be a beautiful day and it is also PPP day, with the banks beginning to meet with business people to accept their loan applications and distribute the loan proceeds. There was some noise last night about banks not being ready to proceed, but it appears that was just a …

April 3, 2020 Read More »

April 2, 2020

Embrace the day, work on your books and records to substantiate loan amounts, call your banker if you have not yet and then get outside for some sunshine. Funding Review – At this moment in time, the best way for small businesses to obtain the quickest funding to survive for the next several weeks and …

April 2, 2020 Read More »

April 1, 2020

If you run a small businesses or sole proprietorship, you have one thing to do today: CALL YOUR BANK AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT so you can apply for a loan under the Paycheck Protection Program. CALL YOUR BANK AND MAKE AN APPOINTMENT – The Treasury Department has released details regarding the Paycheck Protection Program (“PPP”) …

April 1, 2020 Read More »

March 31, 2020

Rainy days are perfect to sift through that box of documents to get your books and records complete. Medical Data For Buncombe – As of March 30, 2020, there have been a total of 21 positive COVID-19 patients in Buncombe County and of those 21, 16 have recovered and been released from isolation. Medical Data …

March 31, 2020 Read More »

March 30, 2020

Morning All, beautiful, sunny weekend is over, and now it is back to work in our kitchen while wearing sweats. CARES Act is Now Law – So, the 883 page COVID-19 Stimulus measure is now law and we will spend most of the day highlighting relevant portions for small businesses and their employees. Not shy …

March 30, 2020 Read More »

March 28, 2020

Another beautiful day in Asheville to get outside and get some sun and fresh air. Local Loan Program – The One Buncombe Fund is now taking applications for loans and funding is expected to begin next week. Quick and dirty on the program is that: it should be considered a bridge loan; it is up …

March 28, 2020 Read More »

March 27, 2020

Good Morning All: As we continue to try different methods to best deliver important and interesting information to you, today we are going to try a continual feed of blog posts through the day. We are still working on our categorization and tag creation, but as the day continues the organization should get better. Letter …

March 27, 2020 Read More »